Saturday, September 10, 2016

[B4A] Android Widget APP - To-Do List

I've been working on a widget for Android systems to be used as a To-Do list.
The widget can be resized and the activity to write the items for the list is transparent.

Basic4Android doesn't come with a feature to make widgets resizable but after some reading and patience I figured out the work-around:
You have to modify the XML files in the /Objects/res/layout so that the Width and Height properties are equal to "match_parent" to stretch the labels, panel etc and then make the files read-only so that B4A doesn't overwrite them. The files in the Objects/res/drawable should be read-only too. Finally, in the Objects/res/xml folder edit the file and add the line: 
android:resizeMode="horizontal|vertical" and also android:minResizeWidth="110dp".

Also, to make an activity transparent add the following line to the manifest editor:  
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Translucent")

>>>>>>>>>>>> Link to the Source code and APK
Screen Caps:


  1. YOUR TO DO LIST ADVANCED. FREE TO USE. WITHOUT LIMIT.Ideal for daily use or for Business with a powerful Statistic. Adding tasks via voice, assign a priority, add an image, separate tasks into lists, add a reminder, earn coins, export all tasks, create sub-tasks, assign contacts, restore deleted tasks... and more, all free. App based on the methodologies: GTD (Get Things Done) and Kanban lists app

  2. I see. Thanks for the recommendation.
