Saturday, October 22, 2016

Text Editor - From Scratch

Another Freepascal project of mine.  A text editor for console/terminals. The text interface was done in the fashion of the old <> for MS-DOS.

The cursor, the text and keyboard input, the buffer and the menus are all done from scratch. It is far from being complete. If only it was Summer again - sigh.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Color Picker - High Color 16bits

A screenshot of a program that I made that generates a random palette and creates shades for the designated color in High Color. You can find the program in my github repository.
From Wikipedia:

High color supports 15/16-bit for three RGB  colors. In 16-bit direct color, there can be 4 bits (16 possible levels) for each of the R, G, and B components, plus optionally 4 bits for alpha (transparency), enabling 4,096 (16 × 16 × 16) different colors with 16 levels of transparency. Or in some systems there can be 5 bits per color component and 1 bit of alpha (32768 colors, just fully transparent or not); or there can be 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, and 5 bits for blue, for 65536 colors with no transparency.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

[B4A] Android Widget APP - To-Do List

I've been working on a widget for Android systems to be used as a To-Do list.
The widget can be resized and the activity to write the items for the list is transparent.

Basic4Android doesn't come with a feature to make widgets resizable but after some reading and patience I figured out the work-around:
You have to modify the XML files in the /Objects/res/layout so that the Width and Height properties are equal to "match_parent" to stretch the labels, panel etc and then make the files read-only so that B4A doesn't overwrite them. The files in the Objects/res/drawable should be read-only too. Finally, in the Objects/res/xml folder edit the file and add the line: 
android:resizeMode="horizontal|vertical" and also android:minResizeWidth="110dp".

Also, to make an activity transparent add the following line to the manifest editor:  
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Translucent")

>>>>>>>>>>>> Link to the Source code and APK
Screen Caps:

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

ASCII TABLE - Unit Video Freepascal - Utils

I have ported my libraries to make dynamic menus in freepascal to be compatible with the RTL units of Video and Keyboard - along with a new library to display windows and save the screen buffer under them. I may add mouse support in the future.

The source code can be found here.

Another future project of mine is to port my graphic libraries to SDL 2.0 to be more platform independent.

One example is this ASCII table program with retro look:

Friday, August 19, 2016


I have managed to alter the MBR of a USB pen drive so as to display the string 'MR.ROBOT' in graphics mode while booting and then continuing with the pre-installed Linux Distro (Kali Linux) after waiting for a keypress.

Graph. Mode: (AL= 0Dh 320x200 16 colors)

MBR Dump:
Code highlighted in red is 62 bytes total.

8C C8 8E D8 8E C0 BD 4C 7D FF E5 33 ED 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 33 ED FA 8E D5 BC 00 7C FB FC 66 31 DB 66 31 C9 66 53 66 51 06 57 8E DD 8E C5 52 BE 00 7C BF 00 06 B9 00 01 F3 A5 EA 4B 06 00 00 52 B4 41 BB AA 55 31 C9 30 F6 F9 CD 13 72 16 81 FB 55 AA 75 10 83 E1 01 74 0B 66 C7 06 F1 06 B4 42 EB 15 EB 00 5A 51 B4 08 CD 13 83 E1 3F 5B 51 0F B6 C6 40 50 F7 E1 53 52 50 BB 00 7C B9 04 00 66 A1 B0 07 E8 44 00 0F 82 80 00 66 40 80 C7 02 E2 F2 66 81 3E 40 7C FB C0 78 70 75 09 FA BC EC 7B EA 44 7C 00 00 E8 83 00 4D 52 2E 52 4F 42 4F 54 20 20 20 20 20 6D 69 73 73 69 6E 67 20 6F 72 20 63 6F 72 72 75 70 74 2E 0D 0A 66 60 66 31 D2 66 03 06 F8 7B 66 13 16 FC 7B 66 52 66 50 06 53 6A 01 6A 10 89 E6 66 F7 36 E8 7B C0 E4 06 88 E1 88 C5 92 F6 36 EE 7B 88 C6 08 E1 41 B8 01 02 8A 16 F2 7B CD 13 8D 64 10 66 61 C3 E8 1E 00 4F 70 65 72 61 74 69 6E 67 20 73 79 73 74 65 6D 20 6C 6F 61 64 20 65 72 72 6F 72 2E 0D 0A 5E AC B4 0E 8A 3E 62 04 B3 07 CD 10 3C 0A 75 F1 CD 18 F4 EB FD B0 0D CD 10 B4 13 B0 01 B3 04 B9 08 00 B7 00 BD B4 7C 89 D6 B6 09 B2 10 CD 10 89 F2 30 E4 CD 16 8C C8 8E D8 8E C0 BD 0B 7C FF E5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BC B9 02 00 00 00 00 00 05 FF 7C 1E 00 00 80 02 01 00 17 3F E0 B0 40 00 00 00 C0 87 1D 00 00 00 C1 B1 01 3F E0 FF 00 88 1D 00 00 A5 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AA

Output and Ascii View:                                                                                                                                                                         


 8C C8 8E D8 8E C0 BD 4C 7D FF E5  : Jump forward to where the code is stored (7d4f)

[Start at OFFSET 7c00] [Linux boot starts at OFFSET 7c0b]
11 bytes
                mov ax, cs            ; Where are we now?  
                                      ; Could be 0000:7c00 
                                      ; or 07c0:0000 or some other combo.
                mov ds, ax            ; Our data is here too.
                mov es, ax            ; ES:BP is the pointer to the string. 
                                      ; ES should match DS and CS.
                mov bp, 7d4f          ; Offset of our code
                jmp bp                ; Go to offset

4D 52 2E 52 4F 42 4F  : String 

[String stored at OFFSET 7cb4]
8 bytes               
                DB 'MR.ROBOT'

B0 0D CD 10 B4 13 B0 01 B3 04 B9 08 00 B7 00 BD B4 7C 89 D6 B6 09 B2 10 CD 10 89 F2 30 E4 CD 16 8C C8 8E D8 8E C0 BD 0B 7C FF E5 : Change to graph mode + Draw string on screen  + Wait for keypress + Jump backwards to 7c0b

[Code stored at OFFSET 7d4f]
43 bytes

                mov al,0d
               ; Select graph mode 320x200 16 colours
                int 10h                 ; Bios call
                mov ah,13               ; Write string function
                mov al,1                ; Write mode
                mov bl,4                ; Color red
                mov cx,8                ; String lenth. No. of bytes=8
                mov bh,0                ; Page number =0
                mov bp,7cb4             ; Point to where the string is located.
                mov si, dx              ; Temporarily store value of DX 
                                        ; to retrieve later otherwise boot will freeze.
                mov dh,9                ; Row to place the string = 9
                mov dl,10               ; Column to place the string = 10
                int 10h                 ; Bios call 
                mov dx,si               ; Recover value of DX
                xor ah,ah               ; Wait for keypress
                int 16h                 ; Keyboard interrupt
                mov ax, cs              ; Where are we now?  
                mov ds, ax              ; Our data is here too.
                mov es, ax              ; ES:BP is the pointer to the string.  
                                        ; ES should match DS and CS.
                mov bp, 7c0b            ; Offset to go back
                jmp bp                  ; Go to offset and resume linux bootload


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Assembler - .Model Tiny


A little bit of assembler to honour one of my favourite series at the moment.
This time in the old 16-bit fashion of DOS coded in DEBUG.EXE
Output: Mr.Robot

Offset 0x100 [COM header] .Model Tiny Coded in DEBUG.COM 16bits

100 mov dx,10a // Hold the initial offset memory value for the loop
103 mov al,4d // “M” [write char] 
105 mov ah,0e //BIOS function to write a character to screen
107 int 10;   //BIOS interrupt/call
109 add dx,4 // Add 4 bytes to the 10a jmp memory address for the loop
10C jmp dx // [Offset change +4]
10E mov al,72 // “r”
110 jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
112 mov al,2e // “.”
116 jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
118 mov al,52 // “R”
11A jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
11C mov al,6f // “o”
11E jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
120 mov al,62 // “b”
122 jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
124 mov al,6f // “o”
126 jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
128 mov al,74 // “t”
12A jmp 105 // [GOTO write char]
12C mov ax,4c // DOS exit function
12F int 21 // DOS interrupt/call

Friday, May 6, 2016

Word Learner - Basic4Android

UPDATE: New Resizable Widget and auto-adjust activites.

Word Learner is a basic4android project of mine designed to help people learn new vocabulary in a foreign language. It consists of a widget that you can add to your home screen on your phone that displays every number of seconds a word on a panel from your personal dictionary hosted in a cloud service. Syncing is the main principle behind this app as you can add more words to your dictionary in your cloud service and update it from the app. I've hosted my dictionary file on Google drive.

Syntax of the dictionary file(txt):


(In my personal dictionary I've got 700+ words)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Source Code

DOWNLOAD APK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Here are some screen caps:

List of items,panel and settings: (with search function)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Amazing Music - Minimal Code

echo "g(i,x,t,o){return((3&x&(i*((3&i>>16?\"BY}6YB6%\":\"Qj}6jQ6%\")[t%8]+51)>>o))<<4);};main(i,n,s){for(i=0;;i++)putchar(g(i,1,n=i>>14,12)+g(i,s=i>>17,n^i>>13,10)+g(i,s/3,n+((i>>11)%3),10)+g(i,s/5,8+n-((i>>10)%3),9));}"|gcc -xc -&&./a.out|aplay

Type that on your linux terminal and hear the music being generated life by this code:
Remove |aplay if you want to see the stream of chars on your terminal instead of the music.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Space Invaders

Coded in Free Pascal (Object Pascal) and using the SDL unit. I bring you the classic space invader game.
All the credit goes to the person who posted how to do it step by step on Youtube.
You'll find the link to the original video below.

Here the link to the original author: