Monday, July 13, 2015

B4A Basic4Android 4.30 on Linux Mint

(Tested on Linux Mint - 32 bits and on Linux Mint - 64 bits 18.2 Sonya)

Basic4Android 2.5 on Ubuntu.  Basic4Android 2.7 and even B4A 4.30.

I haven't been able to make B4A 5+ run on linux because it requires a different version of the Net network.

In order to make Basic4android run on linux you need to follow these steps:

(You can download Basic4android 2.5 from kickass torrents. I cannot provide you with the direct link)

1. Download this script:

A fantastic script to install AndroidSDk + Java + Basic4Android + Wine + Dependencies

Update: Script support has been sadly discontinued. You can still use it but you need to install wine and winetricks manually. For Java SDK 1.7 (needed because 1.8 is not compatible with wine) modify the url in the script for:

Instead of:

Change the url to:

2. Copy b4a-full.exe to the same folder as the script and run the script: 

Follow all the steps and download the different programs and tools.

This will create a 'wine-environment' for you to run B4A.

3. The Crack 'Issue'. 

I can't help you much here. I can only give you a hint.
2 files are modified when you register. The ???license.txt and the ???.dll file. You might use a dummy virtual box session with a Windows operating system to generate those files and then copy them to linux afterwards. You have to install the net Framework for the crack to work.

4.  Copying windows files:
You still need some files that I was only able to get from a previous windows installation.
Since B4A 2.5 was released, Android changed some of the files to build_tools and B4A cannot find them. This may vary according to the version you are installing.

>>>>>>>>> Here you'll find those files <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 

In the folder workspace_b4, you'll have: android-sdk-linux

Copy these files to the following subfolders:

aapt.exe -> platform_tools
zipalign.exe -> tools
adb.exe -> platform_tools
adbwinapi.dll -> platform_tools
adbwinusbapi.dll -> platform_tools

(B4A 2.71+ is said to have solved this problem but I haven't tried it yet.)

5. Configure directories:
You will need to provide the paths to the following files:

javac.exe: If you followed the installation, it can be found in Program Files\Java\JavaJDK-??\bin\javac.exe
android.jar: android-sdk-linux /platforms/android-??/android.jar

6. Finally,you will need to give permissions to wine to connect via wifi/B4A-bridge:

sudo setcap cap_net_raw+epi /usr/bin/wine-preloader
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+epi /usr/bin/wine
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+epi /usr/bin/winetricks

Update: It also worked with Basic4Android 2.7. All the steps are basically the same. You need to use Windows to generate the license files as the crack won't work under Linux.

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